Friday, July 19, 2013

Would You Use Cannabis To Cure Your Dog's Cancer?

If your beloved dog, or cat, suddenly started getting tumors on his body, and those tumors were diagnosed as cancer, would you consider using cannabis oil to treat him?

Cannabis is known by it's nick name, "marijuana" and is from the Hemp plant. Hemp, non psychoative,  is used for industrial purposes such as cloth, fiber, rope, oils, building materials, and grease. Cannabis, with active THC, is used medicinally and recreationally.  Cannabis is illegal, federally, but 19 states plus Washington DC, have legalized it for medicinal use. Colorado and Washington State have legalized small amounts for recreational purposes.

Cannabis is used and grown all over the world. It has been around since the time of man. It has been successfully used for medicinal purposes in almost every country in the world. There has never been a death from using cannabis.

Cannabis/Hemp was made illegal in 1937 because of industrial competition and racism.  The federal government contends that there is no medical use for cannabis. Yet, they own a patent on the cannabinoids in cannabis, as a cancer cure. U.S. PATENT

Cannabis has been shown in studies to shrink tumors and cause cancer cells to commit suicide, without ever harming a healthy cell, or patient in any way.   

I've heard of several people curing their dog or cat, by using cannabis oil. Cannabis oil is made by extracting the powerful healing oils of cannabis and concentrating it into a thick oil. This oil is then given orally, or dabbed onto a visible tumor, or both, from 30 to 90 days. This link, will show you, in pictures, the progress of a tumor on a 7 year old Boxer, being treated with this oil.

Many cannabis studies, including one that just came out, at the National Cancer Institute, at the National Institutes of Health, and funded by the public and Congress, are showing that cannabis kills cancer cells.

"Cannabis has been shown to kill cancer cells in the laboratory and to affect the immune system."   

"Cannabis and cannabinoids have been studied in the laboratory and the clinic for relief of pain, nausea and vomiting, anxiety, and loss of appetite"

The best information I have found about cannabis, is a video called What If Cannabis Cures Cancer I encourage you to see it, for your own benefit, as well as your pet's.

If I had known this 3 years ago when Happy, my beloved Gordon Setter, got cancerous sores, I would have tried it. It's too late for him. But I have been educated on cannabis. Once you know the truth, it's hard to go back.  The laws are changing. People are getting educated. It's only a matter of time until it will be available for you or your pets.

So, would you use it to save your pet?


  1. my wife has been suffering from thyroid cancer which was confirmed to be stage four, the doctor told me there was little she could do since she wasn't responding to treatment but my brother in law came to our rescue by ordering this hemp oil from doctor Barry by name which he said has been helping some patient fight against cancer of various types so we decided to give it a chance, so far my wife is improving perfectly very well and presently she can walk around the house all by herself. I felt its necessary i let others who are suffering from this acute disease that once you have a good hemp oil it can really give one a sound second chance of living. if you happen to be in need of this hemp oil you can contact the doctor who supplied my brother in law with this email:

  2. Thank You Daniel for your comment. I am happy to hear that your wife is doing well. I am a believer in cannabis oil for humans as well as animals. Thanks for sharing your story. Cannabis oil is truly a miracle and we all need to spread the word!

  3. How cannabis oil save my life

    My name is Jessica from california,i was once a ovarian cancer patient i did chemo and
    radiation many times but no avail it rather
    weaken my immune system and i was unable to move from one place to another.i was living in pain for 3 years until i contacted the spanish national cancer research centre via email for
    procurement of cannabis oil and after using this medication for treatment for 7weeks,there was a great changes and as i am writing this article I’m not suffering from cancer again.cancer patient out there use this cannabis oil and you will be well again.

    1. Thank You Jessica for your comment and information. I am very happy to hear that you are cancer free and healthy! Cannabis oil is the cure to cancer we have been waiting for. Finally, it is getting the recognition it deserves. More and more people are speaking out and speaking up. Thank you again, and good health to you!

  4. Our cat has two cancerous breast tumors. One is two CM and one is 6 cm and has ruptured from her licking. We are using cannabis extract on the tumor and orally. I am banking on the oil to heal her!

  5. Thank you Jennifer for telling us about your cat and the cannabis oil treatment. I would love to hear about her progress. Document it if you can. There are so many who don't know about cannabis, for themselves or their animals. We have to educate. Thanks for visiting my blog too.

  6. I've lost two boxers from cancer. Yes, it sucks. The boxer I have now had surgery to remove a stage 2 tumor that looked like a mole on her rear leg. I've never tried cannabis oil. But, what ever you choose to do to treat your animals with. Just know some tumors grow extremely fast and spread. I wish everyone the best of luck if your dog is fighting cancer now.
