Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Have You Tried Canine Adequan??

Ginger age 13 - 2 years ago

Ginger, a 15 year old Gordon who belongs to ArtOC,  is having a lot of pain in her aging years and Art is trying to find something to ease her pain and make her aging a little easier for her.  His Vet has suggested an injectable drug called Adequan.

According to an online Pet Pharmacy,  AllivetAdequan Canine is recommended for the control of signs associated with non-infectious degenerative and/or traumatic arthritis of canine synovial joints and following surgical procedures involving a joint.

If you have had any experience with Adequan, we'd like to know, if, and how, it worked for your canine, or horse, if you've tried the Adequan Equine.

It's heartbreaking to watch our Gordons, or any breed dog, suffer in their old age. Lets share ideas on how to prevent this, (as much as we can).  If you've tried a new drug, (or an old drug) with your dog and have had success, please let us know. Share your experiences here.

We welcome any and all comments.


  1. Love the stuff! Started using the equine stuff in dogs 13 years ago and have had great success for DJD!

  2. Thanks Shawn, I'm sure this is encouraging news for Art!

  3. Thanks for posting the question. I went ahead and started the injections this afternoon. It's a simple IM twice a week for four weeks then a maintenance dose after that. I'll let you know how things progress.

  4. We'll be looking forward to hearing how Ginger is doing and hoping the Adequan will relieve her pain, or at least help.
