Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The First Robin Has Landed in Montana!

YAY! The first Robin has showed up in my yard. She was hopping about from spot to spot looking for a worm or a bug.  That HAS to mean that spring is here. It's always the first sign here in Montana. And even though we have had a mild winter, I'm still very ready for spring. How about you? What's the first sign of spring where you live?


  1. The geese flying back north in endless waves. They have been flying for the past two nights. I figure that they must know something. It should rain tomorrow night and I'll be the wood frogs will be out singing and breeding. Always a fun trip to the shallow ponds with a headlamp.

  2. Gordie and I like to watch a bit of TV at 4 pm on weekdays. The picture is quite clear through December, January, most of February... Then, one day, the sun will begin peeking through a window it hasn't seen since maybe last September. I have to drop the shade so I can watch the telly without sunglasses. The annual Shade Drop is my geeky little sign of Spring.

  3. I just noticed that garlic shoots are poking up in our herb garden. Now I'm really juiced ;-)

  4. Come to think of it, I've heard geese flying over the past few days also. But we have geese all year, so that's not a big sign for us. They'll be nesting on the pond soon and then we'll know that spring has come. But after Michael M. mentioned the garlic, I checked my lilies and they have just started to peek through the ground. Here comes the sun!

  5. Karen, The Robins showed up here last week. I'm taking the winter tires off.

  6. I just checked and my chives are coming up too. Looks like a steak and a baked potato with sour cream and chives coming soon. We have year round rat geese that were introduced. The canadas and snows are on their way home till next year.
